With Alstroemeria Winterfell, you can create a summer bouquet in a vase in no time at all. The white and blue colour mix will make your bouquet look light and fresh. It doesn’t get any more summery!


Flowers: Alstroemeria Winterfell, supplemented with white and blue summer flowers: Statice, Hydrangea, Nigella, Delphinium, Alchemilla and Briza media

Blue jar

Chicken wire

Wire cutters

Step 1: Cut a square piece of chicken wire and shape it into a sphere by pushing the ends together. Clamp the ball securely into the pot. Please note: the flower stems will need to be supported by the wire both at the top and bottom.

Step 2: Fill the pot with water. Carefully insert the flowers into the wire. Start with Hydrangea, followed by Statice and then the other flowers, except Alstroemeria Winterfell.

Step 3: Finally, insert the Alstroemeria in between the other flowers.

The end result: a bouquet with a summery look thanks to the white-and-blue colour scheme. Lovely and refreshing!

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